
Forum: Wampeteers, Foma, & Granfaloons

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    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Wichita, KS

    Warez, Crackz & Copyrighted Material

    This is to clarify the position of this site regarding Warez information and warez sites, Crackz and information about crackz, and the posting and downloading of copyrighted material. prohibits the promotion of, and reference to, any program or website which contains or distributes Warez, Crackz, and pirated copyrighted material, including but not limited to music and video.

    Discussion of Warez, crackz, and pirated copyrighted material is not permitted in this forum. Any offer to provide or request to receive warez, crackz, and bootleg material will be deleted without notice and the offender will be warned. A repeat offense is grounds for permanent dismissal, without recourse, from these forums.

    This is a serious issue for this Forum. Allowing discussion of and, by extension condoning the distribution of, said information jeopardizes the very existence of this Forum. As such, it will not be tolerated. For the long-term future of this site, please abide by this rule.


    Xtreme Systems Staff

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    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Wichita, KS

    Forum Policies & Guidelines

    Forum Policies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forum Code of Conduct: We are especially concerned that everyone who comes here finds a warm welcome and is well received. To this end, we have established a few simple guidelines/rules which allow for a broad diversity of opinions and viewpoints which allows forum members to express themselves, without creating disharmony and ill-will. They are as follows: 1. Absolutely NO personal attacks. Flaming or inciting flaming (also known as flame baiting) will not be tolerated, no exceptions. This includes references to bodily harm/violence. 1. a. Flame Recruitment. Posting a link to another website or forum with the intent of gathering XS members to participate in flaming, bashing, or any other form of attacking someone or something on the other site is forbidden. Furthermore, participating in cross-forum flaming will be handled as if the flaming were on XS itself. 2. No hard language is permitted. If you feel you absolutely must swear, and there is absolutely no other way to convey your thoughts, allow the swear filter to block it in its entirety. Blocking out choice letters clearly shows what word is used and is not adequate. This forum is read by people of all ages and in many settings--in public, at work, and at home. Additionally, hard language directed at another (member or not) is completely forbidden. Excessive hard language is also not allowed. 3. Please observe posting in the proper topic. We have included a topic list here to help new members of our forum determine where their post most likely belongs. Messages posted off topic will be moved or deleted as necessary (with or without notice) by the staff. 4. We do not permit advertising of any kind. This includes offering items for sale or trade (other than in the Classifieds). Posting to your homepage, an eBay URL, a URL to another site, or announcements of new sites. This applies equally to commercial and private sites/ads. This is also not to happen within user signatures. Links to deals available online are to be posted only in Online Deals & Sales. The only allowed links in a signature will be links directly related to XtremeSystems, Xtreme D2OL, Xtreme Folding@Home and XtremeSystems affiliated website or organization. If you wish to link to your site, you may do so in your usercp which links in every post you make. 5. Buy/Trade/Sell @ your OWN RISK! XtremeSystems assumes no responsibility for any bad deals. Buy/trade/sell at your own risk!!! When/if you do sell in our classifieds, please read our Classifieds Guidelines. 5. a.Buying, Selling & Trading outside the Classifieds. There will be NO buying, selling or trading of goods or services outside the Classifieds. PERIOD, there are NO exceptions. If caught doing so outside will result in immediate deletion of thread, warning to offender and possible permenant removal from Classifieds access. 6. Software Sales/Purchases/Trades. There will be NO buying/trading/selling of software of any kind allowed on this site. 7. Paypal Pricing It is illegal to charge buyers for your paypal costs. If you must , do so privately. 8. Classifieds Access A post count of 100 is required to have the ability to post/have access in our Classifieds Section. Any poster with less than the mandatory post count will receive a warning and their post will be immediately dealt with. 9. Spamming There will be No Spamming allowed. If spamming appears to be for the simple purpose for access to our classifieds section. Your post(s) will be removed and future access will be denied. Any and all spam will not be tolerated. This includes spamming to PM boxes. 10. Theft, Fraudulent activities & RMA's The management of this Forum does not condone theft, trading in stolen property, fraudulent return of merchandise, or the aiding and abetting of those who do. Any such discussions regarding stolen property or fraudulent returns will be dealt with swiftly, and the offending member risks complete loss of membership privileges in our Forums. 11. Warez/Pirated Software ABSOLUTELY NO discussion or posting of Warez (Pirated Software) or links to Warez sites. All such sites are illegal and pose a threat to our continued existence. 12. Prejudice This forum has a policy of tolerance and inclusion and its purpose is to share knowledge and results and discuss them in a friendly respectfull and polite way. Prejudicial language and behavior is absolutely forbidden and may result in loss of posting privileges. Racial, Sexist or Religious slights of any kind are absolutely not tolerated, nor are slights against other groups or person based on sexual orientation, age, class, IQ, ethnicity or similar features. See also rule #22. 13. Nudity/:banana::banana::banana::banana:ography No nudity, or links to :banana::banana::banana::banana:ography, if in doubt ask. Sexually related content will be moved or deleted as necessary (with or without notice) by moderators. 14. Valid e-mail You must keep a valid e-mail address on file at all times. If you do not, your posting privileges will be suspended and your account may be locked out. 15. No Copyrighted Material Absolutely no posting of copyrighted material without explicit permission from the owner/author will be tolerated. This includes using image tags to link to an image on another site. This is a serious offence and will be dealt with as such. 16. Multiple Accounts are not allowed. Any member creating more then one account will be warned by staff, and the second account will be deleted. If a second account is created after being warned by staff, the member in question will be banned from this forum. 17. Private Messages (PM) PMs are just that, private messages. Any member posting a PM to the boards without express prior written permission from the site owner(s) will be immediately dealt with, and the post will be deleted. Spamming to PM boxes is earn you a permanent ban. 18. Wampateers Wampateers for fun and chat, but there are limits. No religion, politics, or other controversial topics. Please always respect your fellow members. 19. Trolling Anyone entering the forum with the express intent to cause trouble or harm is subject to immediate and permanent ban. 20. Unrestricted Website This site is accessible to minors and therefore any link to, or post, which contains inappropriate material, will be immediately removed, and the poster subject to immediate loss of posting privileges in our forum. 21. Discussion on Illegal Drugs No discussion or depicting of illegal drugs &/or criminal activities is allowed. See also rule #20. 22. Avatars Avatars shall be no larger then 180x180 pixels. These are limited as per the other rules. Rules #12, 20 and 22 apply here as well. 23. Signatures & Sig images Signatures should have a maximum letter size of 4. The entire signature including all orb links, system description and pictures shall be no larger than 250Hx550L pixels. Only legal links in a signature will be links directly related to XtremeSystems, Xtreme D2OL, Xtreme Folding@Home, any affiliated website or organization, non-profit sites to help members such as Heatware or links to mods. Links to your home site, e-bay, or any other site are not allowed. Exceptions to this rule may be granted at the sole descretion of XS Administrators for a reasonable request. (See rule # 4) (Failure to comply to the Policies can and will result in the complete removal of the offending signature as well as a minimum (1 point) infraction.) 24. Vacations & Bans Should it become necessary to ban someone from our forums, they are very rarely, if ever, given a second chance. 24a. Banned Members If someone is banned from XtremeSystems and they go on to start their own site or participate on other sites, referencing, quoting, or linking to said sites or posts is not allowed. When someone has been removed from XS, they no longer have a voice on XS. 25. Plagiarism We value the content available here, posting content not obtained by yourself without clearly stating so can result in banning. 26. Hardware Manufactures Please identify yourself to staff and have your account modified correctly to show your status here. This also helps members identify you as a valid source of information. 27. Forum Marketing We love to see new products and this forum is fair game if you follow the rules above. You must identify yourself and who you represent. 28. ES Processor sales forbidden Any sale thread containing engineering sample processors will be removed on sight. The Comments and Opinions posted are of their respective poster, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of XtremeSystems Owner(s), XS Staff or XS Administrators. Issues with another member, moderator or admin should be taken up in PM with the appropriate forum/staff member. The Owner(s) and Staff of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread and remove or change any avatar, username or signature for any reason. Privacy Statement: Any information collected for the registration process is used solely by forums to create your account and track forum usage. Required information is a valid email address. Only the forum staff has any access to this information. No information will ever be shared with outside parties unless otherwise required by law. By posting in the Forums, you acknowledge you have read this entire page and agree with these terms of usage. If you do not agree to abide by these simple rules, please log off now. Welcome to XtremeSystems