I am new to this (Using a RAID controller) I got an Areca ARC-1883ix-12 for a video editing system with ASUS X99-E WS motherboard and Intel 8-core i7-5960k processor. I previously had four 4TB WD Black HDD in a 16TB RAID 0 on the previous motherboard. Now that I have the X99 and the RAID controller, I want to setup the same plus a fifth 4TB drive in a RAID 3 so that I have 16TB with a hot spare.

But the Areca card arrived and I have no idea how to set it up. The manual is a bad translation and the software CD has all kinds of stuff on it that I don't understand. The website is also a mystery to me. I have no idea what to install into my Windows 7 machine. Will someone please tell me what I need to get started and step-by-step on how to get it working?

Also, tell me about anything else I need to install. I read somewhere about a battery backup module?? What else?