You don't have to run ram with 1.65v on 1366. At the time bloodrage came out 1.65 was the lowest they could get. DDR3 before nehalem was around 1.9v. Right now you can even get sticks with 1.35v.

My sticks run at 1.5v stock, but i am running them at 1.6v to give them some extra juice. All the sticks work just fine. Just cant get all 3 together to post. 2 sticks will post fine at 16gb. I tried all sorts of configurations.

Seems like it is a hard bios limit. They released a bios to support 4gb dimms. Apparently before they released that bios, 4gb sticks worked, but only with 2 installed. Just like my scenario. Was really hoping to get more.

Intel claims that 24gb is max, but it isn't. Many people have got 48gb running in some boards, mostly asus. Xeon's can run 1tb of ram believe it or not. I might get a asus board to run all 3 sticks.