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Thread: Macro photography tips

  1. #1
    Xtreme Cruncher
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    venezuela caracas

    Macro photography tips

    I always loved macro photography before getting my dslr, so I bought the canon 100mm usm lens. Before my loved T1i I used a very old digital sony camera, for the curious ones it was a sony dsc s75, it had a pretty decent macro function and always had fun using it.

    Now I never used macro with a dslr, so I have no idea of what to expect when I get my new lens (also got me a 70-200 2.8 L) so any tips to get great shots are appreciated specially dealing light, camera settings, lens settings.
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  2. #2
    Xtreme Member
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    Oct 2010
    Use a tripod. Tighten the aperture for more Depth of Field. You can use continuous lights instead of a flash. Use mirror up mode and delay trigger. Beware of casting a shadow on your subject.
    2600K + Sabertooth + 560Ti

  3. #3
    Xtreme Cruncher
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    venezuela caracas
    thanks for the little tips, I will see if I can come with some lamps. I bought a manfrotto tripod with a induro ball head so I hope it works fine
    Incoming new computer after 5 long years

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  4. #4
    Xtreme Member
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    Angeles/ HK/ Shenzen

  5. #5
    Xtreme Addict
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    Jul 2007
    If possible use mirror lockup to minimize vibration. Use a remote shutter release or timer delay so your finger doesn't move the camera. I'm not positive but your T1i might have an electronic first curtain shutter, which also helps reduce vibration. If it's off, turn it on.

    To shoot skittish animals have patience and observe their patterns. If butterflies return to a certain flower every few minutes or a dragonfly returns to a certain leaf after flying around, get in position and have the camera already pointed at the right spot and focused. When they come back you are ready to shoot without scaring them away with your movement.

  6. #6
    Xtreme Cruncher
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    venezuela caracas
    i have a remote control for my camera i think that will help me specially to capture bugs so i dont scare them
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  7. #7
    Xtreme Addict
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    Jul 2007
    Remote releases can certainly help, especially if you tend to have a lot of hand shake like me. But they only help if you can setup the shot first. Sometimes you don't know if the subject will be back to the same spot. When that's the case just make extremely slow movements, sneak up, and direct your breath away from the subject. Your 100mm should give you a little reach and make this easier, but with patience it's possible to shoot skittish subjects even with the short focal length lenses I prefer.

    For nice setup shots think about what the insect wants or needs. Flowers are obvious, and each insect has their own preferred type. You can construct lures with various strong smells such as overripe/rotting fruit, etc. Some insects need certain things, such as butterflies that need certain minerals often visit certain patches of clay on the banks of streams. Some insects want darkness, so setup your shot with the correct flash/exposure/focus/location, turn down the lights and wait. There are tons of possible variations, let your creativity run wild.

  8. #8
    Xtreme Cruncher
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    venezuela caracas
    So I need to go back to a Biology class to learn about insects LOL

    next friday I should have the lens in my hands I'm so eager to try it
    Incoming new computer after 5 long years

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