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Thread: Memory timings in NS

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Memory timings in NS

    Here;s my dilemma guys. It involves reprogramming the spd on some ddr 2 so-dimm, heres where Im at.

    I have 2 tester sticks of unlocked eeprom ram and i want to keep the sticks at the looser 333mhz (pc2-5300) timings whilst running them at 266mhz (pc2-4000). The issue im having is that the software Im using (thaiphoon burner) allows me to adjust timings via ns. Now when i set the memory to 266 the timings in the software automatically jump down to the proper 266 timings.

    I want to set them back to the 333mhz timings however the timings in what i call standard format (5-5-5-15 for example) have MANY sub settings within the ns bracket that im using to adjust. Let me use tRCD for an example. It is set to 15.00ns and that gives me a timing of '4t'. The 333 spd is a 5t for tRCD however I have the option of anywhere from 15.25ns to 18.75 ns under the 5t timing. The software doesn't give me the ns timing of the 5t 333mhz setting so I'm lost as to what I can/should set it to. I thought the best route would be to just set them all at the very loose end of the spectrum (18.75 ns) but I have a feeling that if i do that with all the timings that maybe something wont match up and cause the stick to function improperly/very poorly.

    If you guys have read all this I thank you very much and appreciate any insight you can give. If theres something i haven't explained well enough let me know and i can get some screenshots of the software in here as well but for now I need to sleep this nightmare off and hope for some guidance when I return

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    maybe try and search for module specs?
    or search for any software that can read these outputs..~

    it seems quite risky touching anything if u don't fully understand what u'r doing..

    just lost a 1gb DIMM here not long ago (without too much playing with it )

    the last thing u can do, is gamble,
    just place it somewhere in the middle,
    then see if it works, and take it upside or downside from there as you want.

    be sure to understand that it could fry your chip though..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    hm, downloaded it,
    man, this isn't such an easy program to use lol,
    it needs some extensive studying,
    yet, it has the potential of understanding issues with bad modules, and fixing it.

    doubtfully, any "normal" user would be able to give u some useful tips regarding it,
    u'r point is true, basically, changing anything there without being aware of it's implications, might lead to much deeper problem than already is.

    at the least, u could go over they're site and study there everything there is .
    Last edited by onex; 03-01-2010 at 02:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Well i flashed one of my 1gb so-dimms with very loose timings, SPD is read correctly with the new values I flashed but the PC still boots with the memory at 333 (instead of flashed 266). Maybe a cold reboot wont do it and i should try clearing the cmos as well.



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