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Thread: psu

  1. #1
    Xtreme Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    orange county


    i setup my tec system yesterday and i have to say the results are great. -10c idle and 12c load. at least thats what the asus probe says. who know if its accurate or not. even if its off by 10c, im still looking good. i got my 2.6c running at 3.8ghz @ 1.7v completely stable

    i have a couple questions. when the meanwell kicks its fan is that because the water is getting too warm for the pelt? the fan turns on alot. i would say every 3-5 minutes. i have a dtek heatercore with a vantech stealth fan pushing 53 cfm. im wondering if maybe i need to upgrade the heatercore fan? also is there a fan that i could use that would be better for cooling the psu?

  2. #2
    Xtreme Enthusiast
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    I would upgrade that fan myself, maybe to a 120 that pushes around 90 cfm, those are still pretty quite. You should see a diff in your load temps.

    but i dont know much when it comes to TEC's, somone else should be able to offer you some help.
    Last edited by KennethChong; 08-07-2003 at 12:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Xtreme Member
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    Sep 2002
    Austin, Texas. USA

    And about the meanwell...

    I'm glad you got such good results with your system, congrads.

    The meanwell power supply's fan is turning on so often because your PS is pushing a great deal of power to the pelt. This heats the PS's transformer and diodes (among other things) up, kicking on what I am guessing is a temp controlled fan. This activity will increase as the PS warms up more and more while powering your system.

    To get better cooling for the meanwell (and if you don't care about the warranty) you could open the sucker up, get the part number off the circulation fan, get it's specs and do a search for one the same size and voltage with a higher CFM rating and replace the original with a faster fan. It will become louder though...not sure you want that.

    Otherwise you could shroud one or several bigger fans to the exterior of the PS, forcing air in ALL the air intake holes, an ugly, inelegant, but effective method if increasing CFM's. Ugly, loud, did I say ugly?

    I found the heat from my cores and all my power supplies, combined with all the fan noise was too much for this little office with the door shut (I'm on the phone a lot), so I cut a tiny hole in the wall between the office and another room and moved all of my cooling power supplies and heatercore exchangers in there. Physically the supplies are less than six feet away from my cooler, and I used 14Ga spaker wire in runs less than ten feet great.

    Short of that you might try simply re-locating your power supply to an out of the way spot that is not directly in earshot and that gets decent air circulation. Like the top of a bookshelf or something.

    KC's idea about upgrading the fans on your radiator is an excellent suggestion.
    Latest: Asus K8n4-e Delux, Mobile 3400 with 1 Mg cache, 754 PCI-E goodness, 7800GT. Four other AMD rigs and a Dell notebook.

  4. #4
    Xtreme Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    orange county
    i went ahead and placed a 80 cfm fan on the heatercore. seems it knocked off a few degrees. nothing major but im not too worried about the temps. they seem on par with most people with the same setup.

    im going to upgrade the fan on the psu. it needs that. right now i have it sitting 2 feet away and it gets annoying after a while. i will also move it somewhere away from the desk.

    it is the middle of summer here and the room temps are 70-75F. so it's quite warm, cant wait for winter

    thanks for the suggestions



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