Hey,this is my guide for insulating a motherboard.
I thought it would be a nice idea to make one for new users.

The ginny pig will be my favourite Evga Z77 Ftw

What you will need to insulate a motherboard:

Plastik Spray for PCBs.I am using the following:
Some packs of "Art Eraser" (around 8 packets):
Insulation Tape:
and Vaseline:

So lets start:

Firstly,we have to remove all the stickers.To do that,an easy way is to increase the temperature with a hairdryer and remove them.

After cleaning the motherboard and removing the stickers we can move on insulating it.
Step 1a:Use a swab to spread it all over the cpu's area.Try not to come n touch with socket's pins,fan connectors,cpu power connectors,etc.

here is the result:

Now its become glossy lets move on to "Step 1b"

Step 1b:
and do the same on the backside of the motherboard:

Step 2: Fron tside
Now lets use the eraser:

Make small pieces of it and starting insulating the are around the cpu and pci express:

Right before we end with the cpu area:

***Good tip to know.I always use insulation tape to keep the cpu in possition.In that way we are sure that eraser will not damage socket's pins!!!

Cpu's Socket area completed:

Step 3: Front side
Move on and insulate the pci express area.
Do what you did for the cpu area.Be careful again with pci express pins.

As you can see I am using insulation tape around the pci express in order to prevent vaseline(I use vaseline when insulating a graphics card)come in touch with eraser.That will make the eraser to melt and have a horrible result.

Step 4: Back side

Here I use insulation tape for the backplate as it gets really cold.
Then I fill it with eraser and cover the eraser with insulation tape,in order to prevent ot getting in touch with the vaseline.

Step 5: Vaseline

Spread vaseline on the back side of the motherboard.I have not done this on the Ftw as I still using it as my 24/7 system,will add photos soon.

Additional Tips and tricks:

1)Use armaflex tape instead of vaseline for the backside of the motherboard.
2)Use paper in order to create an additional level of insulation around the pci express area

annnnnnddd third and most important enjoy your session

Any possible mistakes will be corrected as soon as possible!


PS. forgot to mention that removing the socket will make your job easier!