So... n values have broken 13XXXXXXX and with that scores get a little harder to get as n increases over time.

Now heres the strategy. SBQUEUE. You'll find the info about SBQ in the sticky.

Basically what I try and do is download a full months worth (or 3 weeks anyway) and keep it in the Queue. And everytime a test finishes i Dl another 1 or 2. The goal is to always have a few weeks work Q'd up. don't Dl more than a month or else they'll be seen as dead tests if they are not worked on and returned within a month. Why all this you ask?

Well, as i predict that the n vaules of tests will keep increasing for a while, in a months time I'll be working on a n vaule, that was Dl'ed today. Most other people will be working on an n value that will be higher than this. therefore slightly less credits.
In effect you'll be always a few weeks ahead on the n values, while the normal Joe Schmos will be crunchin current and in most cases higher n values.

This will give our small number of crunchers the edge.