Thought you all would like to play with this one.The difference is a few "extra" options

Load memtest and you see this.

We are upto ver1 now BTW
Next up Press C and you will see this.

Notice option 9 press it and you get this.

Now there is a disclaimer that pops up to so you know to be careful

This soon disapears and you left with this.

If your using A64 you can even play with a few "Alpha Tweaks" if you wish...just press 5

Setting command rate is just an expmple.

Now once you set a timing paramiter the test restarts but you will notice it does not, you can now set and play with timings all within memtest without having to reboot.Only real missing option is fsb change but we may get that working soon

It work with A64, i875, i865, 915 and 925 and i have an idea nf2 also (although i am unsure)

you can grab the files here:
memtest cd iso

Floppy image

Full release is next week, source code etc posted on the OCZ site, treat this as a leak to see what you all think of it.

Thanks to Wee and Eric for this release with a little help from me also .