Well I got a old laptop to use off a dude on Hard forum, and as we all know Windows 98SE sucks. It has no Ethernet so It was just sitting here, and would continue to until I got my Wireless PCIMCIA card. So I was like, well this'd be perfect to really test XSOS with, RAM & CPU usage wise. So I contacted NN and he directed me to the area where I could download his newest creation, XS OS v2.01. After about a half hour, which includes a full NTFS reformat, I'm @ Windows Desktop.

Crazy for a PII 333MHz & 32MB ram, right? It gets better.

After plinking around a bit, getting some windows open, etc, I check RAM useage. LESS than 32MB used... WOW.

The modding and coding skills of nn_step are just amazing, look how customized this copy of Windows 2000 is?!

Heh, nice customization.

Yeah you read that right, 5GB hdd baby.

Formatting done in no time

No graphics drivers for the lose, but setup is goin!

w00t almost done!

Finally.. now for the real awesomeness.


Simply amazing for Windows 2000. Awesome job nn_step.

Expect this OS to be out SOON!