Conversation Between Brother Esau and WrigleyVillain

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Rothbury was incredible!!! A US Blues to a fireworks show! Also killer Shakedown, One More Saturday Night and Not Fade Away etc etc. And I didn't know lot scenes like that existed anymore. It was almost as good as the old days!
  2. Dude 3 shows coming to Rosemont but major demand (of course) and those asshats want 50 bucks for behind stage. BS VIP packages too. Tho I miss boogying to The Boys. Might have to pony up. Saw Jerry Band there in 91 and scored nice libations in the lot. Ah the good ol days lol...
  3. Whoo-hoo!

    Wish I had the dough to travel and see other shows but I'll be at The All State Arena for sure!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3